If you’re familiar with the design of our DIY metal and steel buildings, you know we rely on trusses for the infrastructure. That’s because of the amazing strength the design offers, and it all has to do with the triangle. You don’t have to hold a degree in...
First, the frustrating part. There’s only a general rule about building permits. That’s because this written authorization varies. What doesn’t change, though, is the reason why you need one. A building permit ensures that your structure will be completed in...
What does your Miracle Truss® DIY building kit and the Empire State Building have in common? The supporting structure is made of steel. That’s the way we’ve been building skyscrapers since the world’s first one was put up in 1885. It was called the Home Insurance...
An ugly steel rectangle with a flat roof. That’s the stereotypical idea of a prefabricated DIY prefabricated building. Is it any wonder why uninformed homeowners shy away from the idea of putting up one on their property? Many people in the market for prefabricated...
Not everybody needs to take this into consideration, but snow load capacity is important to know if you’re searching for a prefabricated metal building. Geography plays a big role in the consideration. If you are in a location where you can experience significant...