It’s a beast. A good snow blower makes quick work of getting that white stuff off of driveways and sidewalks—and it keeps you from having to visit the chiropractor.
All that work and loyalty is one of the top reasons why your snow blower deserves more than a pat on the handle before you shove it into the corner of your garage when warmer weather arrives. It’s always best to follow the maintenance instructions that come with your snow blower. In general, though, here’s the best way to store your snow blower for the season.
Drain the Fuel
It’s a good idea to drain the gas from your snow blower’s tank before you stow it away. Remove as much as possible and then start the engine. Let it run until the engine dies. You might not have to go through this process if your snow blower has a manual drain.
Or, Add a Fuel Stabilizer
Get out that operator’s manual. It may advise you not to drain the gasoline. The alternative, then, is to add fuel stabilizer to the snow blower’s gas tank and then run the engine for a few minutes. This will circulate the stabilizer and pull it through the carburetor.
A fuel stabilizer does just what it says. The gasoline is going to sit there in the tank for 6 or more months. The stabilizer will prevent the gasoline from going bad. You may damage your snow blower or have a difficult time getting it started next winter if you skip this step.
Remember, though, that the fuel stabilizer option is only necessary if you plan to keep gasoline in the tank during the non-winter season. It should not be used in place of gasoline.
Remove the Spark Plug
Disconnect the spark plug wire and use the proper tool to remove the spark plug itself. Store it in a dry, clean place—preferably where it’s easy to grab and reinstall next winter. Again, refer to your manual if you’re not sure, but it’s worth considering to pour a small amount of the correct oil for the motor onto the pistons through the hole where the spark plug was removed.
Just a small amount is needed. It helps to prevent corrosion of the engine parts.
Cover It Up
You snuggle up in a blanket when it’s cold. Wrap up your snow blower before you stow it for the warmer months. Not all snow blowers come with covers, but there is a multitude of after-market sources that offer covers for specific models. They tend to be affordable, and they’ll prevent dust from getting into the engine.
Head over to our gallery to find some inspiration if you’ve run out of space in the garage to store your snow blower and other winter recreational equipment.