We’ve learned so far (Roof Snow Danger and Removal: What You Should Know – Part 1) that the wetter the snow on your roof, the heaver it is. And, if it turns to ice, it can weigh up to three times as much as wet snow. That’s why it’s difficult to determine the actual...
If you’re a responsible and informed building owner, snow is anything but fun and fluffy white stuff. Under the right circumstances it can be downright dangerous. Excessive snowfall, or temperature swings that mix it with freezing rain should put you on a heightened...
When you’re building something to last, you want to construct it with tough, low-maintenance materials. It’s why owners look to steel as a building material. In the case of steel, though, purer isn’t better. Metal alloys give steel its true strength. There are...
Writers will be the first to explain that you usually don’t get to choose where the muse will visit you. Books get written in interesting places, and often it’s not a writer’s choice. They just know that’s the place they need to go if there’s going to be a next...
If you’ve ever driven past an expensive home and admired the intricate designs of its roof, you could be admiring one of the main benefits of a Miracle Truss® building. What you see is the result of prefabricated roof trusses. Our roofs are made with a simple and...