Putting in a new kitchen sink? You typically don’t need to worry about a building permit—although you should check that you will follow the building codes in your area as even plumbing is usually regulated. If you’re making a major structural change, you very well might need a building permit.

There For Your Safety

Miracle Truss® structures fall into the DIY category, so you most likely will be checking on building permits yourself (unless you are enlisting the help of a local contractor). Building permits aren’t meant to be obstacles. They help to make sure that the structure you plan to build or renovate meets local safety codes. The thing about building permits and local codes is that they vary widely around the country. The only certain way for you to know if you need a permit is to contact your local building department. You’ll want to ask what ground snow load, wind load, and other basic structural requirements they may have in addition to finding out if they will want you to supply state stamped plans for the building or just a basic set of drawings. This will put you in the drivers seat and help you down the path of getting your new structure put up!

Generally, they’re going to want to know where on your property you plan to put up the building. Local codes may specify how far from your property line a structure must be. While it could mean you just don’t have enough room on your property for the structure, you also may have the option to apply for a variance. In either case, you won’t know until you contact your local building department. They’ll likely ask you for a basic plot drawing of your property showing where you plan to put the building and showing its overall size.

Not Everything Is DIY

Are you planning to put up a Miracle Truss® building for your RV, or maybe set up your own workshop? You’ll possibly need electricity run inside it. Miracle Truss even offers a line of homes and cabins for residential use. Those will require plumbing and sewer systems. While the structure itself is pre-manufactured and relatively easy for someone with handy DIY skills, you might not be able to install the electrical wiring or the plumbing yourself. In most areas of the country, this work must be done by a certified professional. Some off-grid friendly locations may allow for a DIY touch on all aspects, but this type of work will likely require their own set of permits in most areas of the country. The beauty is in saving the labor cost and building the structure yourself – and in knowing its a job done right with the do-it-yourself platform.

Start The Process

It may sound like a hassle, but most local building departments are staffed by people who put your safety first. They want to make sure that what you plan to build is appropriate, safe (and legal) for where you plan to put it up.

So get in touch with your local building department and find out what they’ll require to issue your permit. Meanwhile, let us know which of our buildings would work best for what you’ve got planned. Fill out our form to request free information. We can supply you with engineered stamped building plans for the Miracle Truss® structure you plan to put up, based on your specific area.

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