It is a little-known fact (and likely a little-needed fact) that June 7th is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day.

It is also a little-known fact that I am an active opponent of chocolate ice cream. This may come as a shock to those of you who are familiar with my excessive fondness for desserts. I am especially partial to both chocolate and ice cream; however, what sounds like a promising sugary offering does not end up truly delivering the best of both worlds. Overall, it lacks a true chocolatey flavor, instead settling for a bland sweetness which can only be desired as the last possible option. (And sometimes, not even then!)

Paltry Promises vs Perfect Pairing

And yet, isn’t that what so many companies do today? They promise new creations which truly seem to be more innovative, more technologically advanced, more efficient, et cetera. But in the end, most of the new “latest and greatest” designs actually leave us wishing that companies hadn’t changed their formulae at all; their “new and improved” ideas may be new, but they certainly aren’t an improvement.

This is not the case with the Miracle Innovations Unit of Team Perka, though.
We have developed and established our company and our products to bring solutions that work. Our tried-and-true wood-and-steel hybrid frames not only provide promises; they provide real durability and stability.
Our company values and business processes are not going to evolve to become new and un-improved, and our buildings aren’t going to shift on you, either. (Ha! Get it?)


Our “S.A.F.E.R.” buildings are made with specially designed trusses to withstand any snow, storms, or winds that blow your way. Which allows us to stand behind those frames with a LIFETIME warranty.
This is one pairing that truly will bring the best of both worlds. Wood provides flexibility in your structure and your planning (because it is much more easily customizable), and steel brings the additional level of strength, support, and the potential for added size!
Because when it comes to your home, garage, or storage solution, bigger is better, amiright?!?


So, when you need a house because your family is expanding, a barn because your farm is expanding, or a storage space because you’re running out of room to store all your excess chocolate ice cream, you should get in touch with our Team!
You can contact us directly, message us through Facebook (after you check out all our great images, videos, and testimonials, of course!), or peruse our website for more information.


We would love to partner with you! Your big dreams combined with our big options will create the best pairing yet- far more promising and rewarding than chocolate ice cream.

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