If you’re going to open a successful auto shop, you need open space both on the floor and above. It means you either have to find a building already constructed that way—or you have to build one yourself. The former takes luck and patience. The latter is easy to do, and affordable, if you work with Miracle Truss®.

The auto repair and detailing industry is a nearly $300 billion market. Often, the barrier to entry is finding a building to house the business. Here’s how Miracle Truss can provide a perfect solution with our pre-fabricated metal buildings.

Already A Popular Choice

Metal buildings have become a preferred method for construction for auto shops across the United States. The value is clear. You get more space and more functionality for the money. Miracle Truss designs allow for amazing customizations, giving you the ability to have clear spans, wide roll-up doors for work bays, and windows wherever you need them.

One of the top advantages is our clear span truss design. It gives you the ability to build wall heights up to 30 feet or more, with building widths of up to 125 feet. Location isn’t really an issue. We’ll make sure you receive certified stamped building plans for any state and Canada.


You’ll want to invest as much as possible in the interior and automotive repair infrastructure of your new auto shop, so saving money on the actual building is a priority. That’s where you’ll really start to see the superior advantage of going with one of our steel building kits.

Save labor cost and construction time by going with our pre-fabricated DIY programs. You’ll also save more money and time because there’s no need to retro-fit your new auto shop building to accept the large garage door openings you’ll need for the bays.

What about the waiting and reception area? Running horizontally from truss to truss, our designs feature edge-mounted wood studs in the walls and in the roof. They secure to a pre-positioned steel clip. Yes, that sounds familiar because it creates the standard 24-inch on-center stud-pocket you find in regular wood construction.

It means you can finish the interior with any type of building material you’d consider for a traditional structure. Sheetrock goes up without a problem. Add standard doors or windows, and even normal batt-style insulation. You can make this part of your auto shop as fancy as you want.

Anything But Ugly

Think again if you’re imagining a new auto shop that looks like an eyesore. Building options make it easy to create an attractive exterior—and you don’t have to go with our wide array of pre-painted steel exterior coverings. Opt for vinyl, brick, or even something else if you prefer.

Auto shops need space. Your building will require a specific layout. Our DIY building kits can do that for you. We have a fast-growing list of customers who have turned to us to help them put up metal and steel commercial buildings.

Reach out to us for more information. Fill out this form and we’ll help you get ready for business.

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