It’s a beast. A good snow blower makes quick work of getting that white stuff off of driveways and sidewalks—and it keeps you from having to visit the chiropractor. All that work and loyalty is one of the top reasons why your snow blower deserves more than a pat on...
We tell people that one of the benefits of going with Miracle Truss® buildings is that the design creates 24-inch on center studs for interior walls and the roof. That makes it very easy to use standard batting insulation if you plan to finish the inside walls. This...
Garages are being pressed into service beyond being the place where you park your vehicles. We’re using them for exercise, hobbies, and sometimes it’s just where we like to go to escape the activity going on in the house. But, it’s not a place anybody wants to be if...
It sounds like something out of a science fiction movie. Rust is alive! Okay, it can’t think and it’s not planning to take over the planet—but you need to do something as soon as you see it if you want to preserve your tools. The best defense is a proactive approach....
Put it on your checklist. When you opt for a Miracle Truss® building, the design gives you the option to complete it with basically any off-the-shelf interior building material that’s compatible with 2-foot on center framing. Pick out your favorite windows. They’ll...