We’re all looking for ways to reduce our taxes, and metal buildings can help. In Part 1 of this article, we looked at overall benefits. In Part 2, we’ll keep the focus on actual opportunities to reduce taxes. Adding a permanent structure to your property often...
It’s advisable to consult with a tax expert, but generally there are advantages to improving your home or business buildings. If you decide to make additions with a metal and steel building, you may also increase the advantages you receive, tax-wise. Before you even...
If you live in the colder parts of the country, this might be the time of the year when you take advantage of visiting the warmer southern areas in your RV. In other words, that beast isn’t going to sleep through the winter. On the other hand, if you don’t plan to do...
The walls are tumbling down – ideological walls that confined us to what constitutes a house. As technology transforms how we work and the idea of a job, it’s also pushing how we live and where that living takes place. For many, proximity to their place of employment...
There’s actually some good news when it comes to burglaries – the FBI reports that property crime rates have decreased by over 25% since 2006. Even with this drop, there’s still a burglary every 13 seconds in the United States. Police are able to solve only about 13%...
You have passed by more metal and steel prefabricated buildings than you realize. The stereotypical idea of them is a metal box with a metal roof. The truth is that some pre-fabricated building manufacturers – and Miracle Truss® is one of them – offer designs that let...