Garages are being pressed into service beyond being the place where you park your vehicles. We’re using them for exercise, hobbies, and sometimes it’s just where we like to go to escape the activity going on in the house. But, it’s not a place anybody wants to be if...
Put it on your checklist. When you opt for a Miracle Truss® building, the design gives you the option to complete it with basically any off-the-shelf interior building material that’s compatible with 2-foot on center framing. Pick out your favorite windows. They’ll...
What would you do with an extra building on your property? It’s not meant to be a trick question. Many people would use it to store the accumulation of “stuff” they have—which is great news for the vehicles that have been kicked out of the garage to make room for that...
If you’re the sort of person who likes to work on your own vehicles, you know that a car lift makes everything easier. Sure, easier is what you want—but is it feasible? A growing number of manufacturers now make car lifts for home use. They can be just as safe and...
Whether you use your existing garage, or you put up a new one with one of our Miracle Truss® DIY garage buildings, you’ll gain the storage space you need and want by adding storage cabinets. All your “stuff” has to be found. Organize it and give it a home by adding...